Depop App

Start Selling

Sell clothes. Make money. It's simple to get started. Build your empire now.

Why Depop?

List for free

There’s no fees to list an item – just pay 10% when it sells.

Make money

Sell a few items or build an empire. Whatever your vibe – Depop is the place for you.

Get creative

Express yourself through photography, styling and branding. We’ve got the tips you need to take it pro.

How to sell

It’s easy to get started – just create an account to start selling. Take up to four photos. Describe what you’re selling. Decide your price. Get paid fast when your item sells. Ship. Repeat.

A Depop seller taking photos of clothes from their phone

Get inspired

There’s more

Depop is more than a marketplace. Our community comes first. That’s why we have a dedicated seller team who’ll help you with anything from learning the basics to mentoring you to become a Top Seller.

A Depop seller modelling their clothes